60 Seconds on the Ongoing Consumer Squeeze

You gotta eat. So where will spending be cut?
The Backdrop:
The Brexit vote drove Sterling down & food prices have risen
We now find ‘essentials’ are taking a larger share of disposable income
Already-constrained consumers are having to adapt to these unwelcome changes
Real wages are falling and, whilst borrowing has risen, this is not a permanent fix
Indeed, the Bank of England is cautioning re 10% p.a. unsecured loan growth
The BRC now tells us July retail sales growth was ‘underpinned by Food sales alone, while Non-Food sales relapsed into negative territory.’
Bigger ticket:
Consumer constraint is negatively correlated to leisure spending
However, spending on ‘affordable treats’ has historically held up well – at least for a time
Consumers seek to protect their ‘lifestyle’ but big ticket spend is more vulnerable
Spend here can be postponed but ‘experiences’ (pizza, beer, cinema – even some large items such as holidays) would be lost forever
The SMMT reported new car sales down 9.3% in July and cumulatively down 2.2% y-t-d
DFS says the ‘UK furniture market continues to be very challenging’
Consumers are becoming more defensive with their spending.
Food is important, trading down is an option but people have to eat
Leisure spending will hold up (for a while) & inbound tourism growth should help
But watch this space. Directionally, this is somewhat sub-optimal
And supply growth, think casual diners, ‘better burgers’ etc., remains an issue