Euro 2016: Blessing or Blight….
Football benefits wet-led pubs. For virtually all other operators, it’s a negative
- Wet led pubs perform strongly over football
tournaments, food led units do not.
- Sports-led units will clearly perform well.
- Chameleon bars run the risk of alienating both groups of customers.
- Hence it’s not just a case of plugging in ‘football’ and getting the answer ‘good’.
- A disappointing run & swift England exit could actually be a lose-lose
- Football is a bit like hot weather. It’s prima facie bad news for restaurants.
- An early English (and Welsh) exit would be the best outcome.
Holiday companies:
- On the margin, major spending decisions may be put on hold.
- Recent evidence suggests a surge in bookings immediately following an England exit.
- A swift exit would be helpful though this is largely a timing issue.
- However, tour operators don’t want delirious supporters spending all their money on beer
Other leisure operators:
- The performance of the betting companies will be determined by results
- Indoor attractions (bowling, cinema etc.) will be net losers. The exception is 5-a-side football.
- There is only so much money to be spent. The battle is over where this will happen.
- Pubs should, net-net, benefit from the football & most other operators will be net losers.